Literacy Garden - March 2018 Updates
By David Omondi on March 15, 2018
Dear friends,
The rains are finally back and we have been busy fencing the garden (to protect our crops/trees from stray goats) and planting maize, beans and vegetables in the garden. We are also cleaing the compund and adding more holes to plant trees which will provide shade in the garden in the future .We bought 18 chain links and have fenced the better part of the garden. We only need 8 more chain links to fence the entire garden. Each costs $25.
This week, 6 students from chalmers university Sweden (reality studio 2018) visited the garden and are going to work with us to design our pretend playground which will include a basketball court and roller skating paths. We have also made our first order of roller skates through our voluntee John Freeman from Ieland who will be deliveing them in Kenya in May when he visits. Each roller skate costs $32 to $40. We thank you so much for your generous donation that has enabled us to do so much at the garden.
We look forward to continue this partnership and together build decent playground and garden for our girls and promote lifeskills that will help them for a lifetime.
Thank you
The rains are finally back and we have been busy fencing the garden (to protect our crops/trees from stray goats) and planting maize, beans and vegetables in the garden. We are also cleaing the compund and adding more holes to plant trees which will provide shade in the garden in the future .We bought 18 chain links and have fenced the better part of the garden. We only need 8 more chain links to fence the entire garden. Each costs $25.
This week, 6 students from chalmers university Sweden (reality studio 2018) visited the garden and are going to work with us to design our pretend playground which will include a basketball court and roller skating paths. We have also made our first order of roller skates through our voluntee John Freeman from Ieland who will be deliveing them in Kenya in May when he visits. Each roller skate costs $32 to $40. We thank you so much for your generous donation that has enabled us to do so much at the garden.
We look forward to continue this partnership and together build decent playground and garden for our girls and promote lifeskills that will help them for a lifetime.
Thank you